A lot of specialty retailers start out as entrepreneurs, creatively filling a need they see around them. The business grows as more people see the answer to their need in the product and purchase it. That specialization of market is the reason you are in business, but it also means your business management is going to need to be as unique as your inventory.
Just as your business is based on creatively filling a need, ChainDrive was designed to have that same function. The needs of retailers change as their business grows: technology provides both the increase in traffic and the tools to manage all the required details. The entire ChainDrive RMS package is a little bit like a GPS system guiding you around your company’s world with accuracy. Our specialty retail software component is like zooming in on the specific area you want to explore and can give you the flexibility to adapt the tool to your business, even allowing for future adaptations.
But if you need a truly unique tool, talk to us about the things that you are struggling with as your business grows. Tell us what you wish your retail management system did and we can probably come up with a solution that is exactly what you need. Our free live demo allows you to customize your request, with a list of possible “pain points” to trigger the conversation. Much of the time, people don’t realize there is a different way to solve a problem or are so used to dealing with a limitation they don’t recognize it as a problem.
If you think about it, that’s how you operate, too. Your product is a specialty item for a specific need and your customers come to you for solutions to their need. When it comes to retail management software, ChainDrive is the specialty product that is the solution to your need.